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Kashima Shinden Jikishinkage-ryū in Japan

There are several surviving lines of Kashima Shinden Jikishinkage-ryū in Japan. I have collected below video clips from different groups that are available online.

I learned from David Hall, who practiced at the dojo of Namiki Yasushi in Tokyo. One group that comes from that same line of practice is led by Namiki Yasushi's son. That dojo has a number of videos of their kata practice online:

Jikishinkage-ryū Sohonbu is recognized by the Nippon Kobudo Kyokai and demonstrates at Zen Nippon Kendo Renmai Taikai as well as as at Meiji shrine each year. Some video are below:

These are major events and so the video footage is of high quality. The Mino-den Jikishinkai also has video available:

Finally, other video I have found include: